Tuesday 8 February 2011

Reseaching a radio trailer

Our group is currently working on our radio trailer. It was really hard to find a radio trailer. Due to this I had listen to the phone booth movie trailer. The trailers start with a man narrating about what the film is about. Our radio will also open in a similar way.

This trailer comes close to our ideal radio trailer as there is a man talking on the phone. The By listening to the trailer we can tell that a lot of things are happening as we can hear people screaming and shouting. We can also hear a man talking as though he is scared and panicking about something. This movie trailer comes close to our ideal radio trailer because we want our radio trailer to have man speaking on the phone. The man in our trailer will also be a panicking about something. We will also be having a chaotic background noises in our radio trailer.

The trailer uses a chaotic background sound, which includes people screaming and shouting. This attracts the audience as it builds suspense. The trailer opens with a man narrating. This helps to captures the audience attention as they use hooking sentence to draw the audience in.

Narrators are very common elements in all radio trailers. This is because there are no images or clip to explain what it happening in the film. The narrator needs to tell the audience what the film is about, so that it can persuade the audience's to go and watch the film.

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