Tuesday 1 February 2011

Study Of Real Movie Posters - Tropic Thunder

This poster comes close to our ideal poster as there is a man holding a gun. The background is chaotic. Also the poster include thing that are on fire. This movie poster comes close to our ideal poster because we want our poster to have a man holding a gun. Also we want the background our poster to have a building burning with black smokes coming out. Also the man in the poster is facing the camera. We want our actor to be facing the camera and walking away from the fire.

The poster uses dark colour such as dark green, red and black to attract the audience and tell them that the film is packed with actions. The poster attracts the audience because it uses fires to make it eye catching and grab people’s attentions. The men holding the gun in the poster are making funny expression towards the camera. This attracts the audience attention, as people would wonder why they are making funny faces in an explosive background.

Another factor which makes the poster eye catching is the name of the actors starring in the film. The poster informs people by giving us the names of the leading actors on the films. Also all movie posters have a tagline or a line from a review. This is done to capture the audience attention and encourage them to watch the film. Every part of a poster is used to attract the target audience. For example the font for the movie title is in Braggadocio and is in 3D.

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