Friday 11 February 2011

Creating Our Opening Tittle

Today our group made a start on creating the opening title for film. Each of us was allocated different role and task to do. We split the opening title in to four sections so that each of us has section to do. This allowed us to create our opening title in a short period of time.

My Role was to create the beginning of the opening title. I used the software flash to carry out my task. Using this software I have to create a key hole and a key going inside and unlocking the door. The door then swing open revealing the words 'Numero Uno Presents'.

Tahmina's role was to create the animation that contained the film name 'A one man war'. These word has to be shown being typed up on screen automatically. She also used flash to create this animation. khadijah's role was to create the silhouette soldier standing straight, right next to the film title. The soldier then moves its gun and point at the film title and shoots it.

When the soldier shoots at the film title 'A one man war', it shatters in to little pieces and falls off the opening title. This task was given to salma to do. The screen then fades out and the short film begins.

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