Sunday 8 May 2011

The Film

Radio Trailer

Film Poster

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Audience responses

These are pictures and video of our audience response. The feedback was very vital because we wanted to know how we can improve our film. It also allowed us to see what we were doing wrong.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Radio Trailer Script

Our group had to create a script for the radio trailer. The radio trailer will include background music and sound audio which are used in the film. We will also be using special effect such as explosions and gun shot to enhance our radio trailer and make it more appealing to our target audience.

Radio trailer script:
[heartbeat] Screaming children- at the same time a man is chanting and army song
Voice over:The time has come to teach them a lesson.
[ explosion]
oice over: one man must stand alone to face his fears.
[Music and gun shot begins]
Voice over: Will this be his last battle?
Starring Olu Sodeinde. Numero Uno presents, A One Man War.

Coming to cinema near you soon.

Rated PG
[music gets louder and then explosion]

Sunday 20 February 2011

Editing Our Film

Our group is now editing our film as we have finished shooting the film. As a group we decided that all of us will have a turn in editing the film and putting it together using the software final cut. I met a former BBC production assistance, Lokman chekkin. He showed me how to edit our film using final cut. It really difficult and time consuming putting our film together as we need separate what we want and want we don't want. Overall Lokman was very helpful as he taught us the basic of using final cut.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Animation For Our Opening tittle

My job was to create the beginning section of our opening title. To make my animation I had to use the software flash. I had to use this software to make the key slotting into the key hole and then make the door swing open.

Using flash I had to create the key hole and key from scratch. This took a lot of time as I to make sure the angle and the size of the key and the key hole is right. However my biggest challenge was to get the door to open and make it the right size. I had to make the door opening clip many time until I finally I got the result I wanted. Although it was very challenging I enjoyed making the animation and have learnt a lot about using flash in the process.

Friday 11 February 2011

Creating Our Opening Tittle

Today our group made a start on creating the opening title for film. Each of us was allocated different role and task to do. We split the opening title in to four sections so that each of us has section to do. This allowed us to create our opening title in a short period of time.

My Role was to create the beginning of the opening title. I used the software flash to carry out my task. Using this software I have to create a key hole and a key going inside and unlocking the door. The door then swing open revealing the words 'Numero Uno Presents'.

Tahmina's role was to create the animation that contained the film name 'A one man war'. These word has to be shown being typed up on screen automatically. She also used flash to create this animation. khadijah's role was to create the silhouette soldier standing straight, right next to the film title. The soldier then moves its gun and point at the film title and shoots it.

When the soldier shoots at the film title 'A one man war', it shatters in to little pieces and falls off the opening title. This task was given to salma to do. The screen then fades out and the short film begins.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Hollywood movie - The dark night

I did some interdependent research on what goes on behind a set of a movie. This video is very useful as it not along shows the cameraman filming an action sequence but also has the director’s comment about the film. This Video allowed me to see the high tech equipment they used to shoot the film. This video also shows some of the main actors making about making the film. This video has given me the insight on what happens during filming in professional Hollywood film.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Reseaching a radio trailer

Our group is currently working on our radio trailer. It was really hard to find a radio trailer. Due to this I had listen to the phone booth movie trailer. The trailers start with a man narrating about what the film is about. Our radio will also open in a similar way.

This trailer comes close to our ideal radio trailer as there is a man talking on the phone. The By listening to the trailer we can tell that a lot of things are happening as we can hear people screaming and shouting. We can also hear a man talking as though he is scared and panicking about something. This movie trailer comes close to our ideal radio trailer because we want our radio trailer to have man speaking on the phone. The man in our trailer will also be a panicking about something. We will also be having a chaotic background noises in our radio trailer.

The trailer uses a chaotic background sound, which includes people screaming and shouting. This attracts the audience as it builds suspense. The trailer opens with a man narrating. This helps to captures the audience attention as they use hooking sentence to draw the audience in.

Narrators are very common elements in all radio trailers. This is because there are no images or clip to explain what it happening in the film. The narrator needs to tell the audience what the film is about, so that it can persuade the audience's to go and watch the film.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Study Of Real Movie Posters - Tropic Thunder

This poster comes close to our ideal poster as there is a man holding a gun. The background is chaotic. Also the poster include thing that are on fire. This movie poster comes close to our ideal poster because we want our poster to have a man holding a gun. Also we want the background our poster to have a building burning with black smokes coming out. Also the man in the poster is facing the camera. We want our actor to be facing the camera and walking away from the fire.

The poster uses dark colour such as dark green, red and black to attract the audience and tell them that the film is packed with actions. The poster attracts the audience because it uses fires to make it eye catching and grab people’s attentions. The men holding the gun in the poster are making funny expression towards the camera. This attracts the audience attention, as people would wonder why they are making funny faces in an explosive background.

Another factor which makes the poster eye catching is the name of the actors starring in the film. The poster informs people by giving us the names of the leading actors on the films. Also all movie posters have a tagline or a line from a review. This is done to capture the audience attention and encourage them to watch the film. Every part of a poster is used to attract the target audience. For example the font for the movie title is in Braggadocio and is in 3D.