Wednesday 24 November 2010

Health and Safety Regulation

The Health and Safety Commission is responsible for health and safety regulation in Great Britain. While filming, you must insure that everyone on set are not exposed to risks that may have an effect on their health and safety. Before filming begins the production team must discuss the health and safety regulation and take steps to avoid and reduce the risks which are identified. If they are not followed though then accident may occur. For example, recently a harry potter stunt double suffered horrible back injury due to poor heath and safety regulation.
Some film such as horror films, action film or films that involve animals may involve more risks than others. Below are some of the thing you should be aware of whilst filming.

  • A person qualified in first aid should always be present during filming. People onset should also be aware of him/her.
  • Check before hand of any potential problems or risks that may endanger your crew or anyone else e.g. the public.
  • Think about locations where you are filming. Make sure there aren’t any dangers in filming there.
  • If you are filming at night, be aware of the environments and think about your safety and your crew members.
  • Make sure any lose wire from the equipment are out of the way. This insures that people will not trip over them.
  • Do not film any criminal activities.
The source:

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