Monday 13 September 2010


We were told that we would be making a 5 minute film that would be appealing to the teenage audience. Our task was to get into a group of four for our film production and have group discussion about what our company name should be, logo design, the genre and role in a group.

We all decided that the name of our company would be called "Numero Uno", which stands for number one in Spanish. We also decided that our logo will have a big bold number 1, with the words "Numero Uno" diagonally across it. Comedic drama will be the genre of the our film as it will attract our target audience.

We allocated different role to individuals in our group based on their skills and knowledge, so that we can be more organize and meet dead line. The creative director will be Tahmina. Salma will be in charge of making the storyboard as she very artistic. I was allocated to be the prop manager and my role is to decide what the actor should be wearing and what colour it should be . Khadijah was allocated Actor/scout Manager as she knows a lot of potential people that may take up the role of a teacher. She is also is very good at persuading people and will be able to get them to agree. We all agreed to contribute in creating the script and looking for the location so that every one will have the chance of putting their ideas in.

We briefly discused about the plot of our film and decided that it would be about a teacher who prepares to go in to a class, like a solider who prepares to go to war.

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