Saturday 18 September 2010

Planning our script

I have researched on drama (genre) so that I can understand more about what drama films contained. During this research, I found out how our group could challenge the conventions found in a typical drama film. This research has helped a lot as I now have better understanding of what our film should include. Our groups aim was to produce a draft film script that will interest our target audience. In order to produce an interesting 5 minute film, our group decided that we should keep the script simple, so that it will not get too complicated for the audience.

While creating our script I learnt about the key ingredients needed to make an interesting script. For example it is vital to open up a film with a hook that draws the audience in. Also interesting characters will also help make a film interesting and engage the audience attention. Our group also thought about the different ways to end our film .e.g. happy ending or a sad ending, cliff hanger or twist.

As group we decided that our protagonist will hardly speak. The action will speak louder then words. This is vital as it will help us grip the audience attention. We also discussed about the setting of the film and tried to figure out how we were going have access of the place needed to make out film more interesting.

In our group we discussed about the plot of our film. We also thought of a name for our film “One Man War”. Our film will be about a teacher preparing for battle against his student, who are not as innocent as they seem.

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