Monday 6 December 2010

First Day Of Filming

In our group, we decided to film the second half of scene one and the gym scene from scene two. This meant that we had to go to our actor beforehand and ask him to bring his gym clothe. After school, our group and our main actor met up in the school fitness suite. We agreed to shoot the gym scene first as it will be easier and more convenient for us. We decided to use the fitness suite as it the perfect location to shoot our gym scene. This is because it contained excising machines and equipments for us to use. We shot each takes in varies angles as it allowed us to have more option to chose from when we get into editing our clips.

After we finished filming in the fitness suites we decided to film some boxing scenes. We were able to get hold of boxing gloves and a punch bag for this particular scene. Our group decided that we enough time to film the bathroom scene. We found a sink with a mirror for this scene in one of the changing room. Again we shot from different angle.

Overall, the shoot was successful as we managed to do a lot. Everyone in our group had the chance of using the camera and putting the views across to make the scene better. However some problem arose when we realised that one of our group member khadijah re-winded the tapes to see some of the clips we recorded. Due to this we accidentally we recorded over some of the takes filmed in the gym.

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