Tuesday 15 June 2010

Professional photographer

Today I met professional photographer who taught me about the important skills and techniques needed in order to make photographs more eye catching and unique.

I looked at different work from famous and influential photographers such as Diane Arbus, Manuel Rivera-Ortiz and Dorothea Lange and tried to analyse their work. I realised that photos which were taken by Diane Arbus were usually black and white. Her work was very unusual and interesting at the same time which made her photographs standout. I also learnt the common mistakes people make when taking a pictures. E.g. blurry pictures, weird angle, etc.

I then got hold of a digital camera, so that I could go out and take pictures of peoples or the surroundings. I mostly took picture of the surroundings from different angles and zoomed in and out to make my pictures more interesting and bold. I learnt that it is better to take 10 good pictures than a 100 bad pictures.

Meeting the professional photographer was very useful as I learnt how to take appealing and unique pictures. Also this will help me to take good pictures for my film poster which I have to make in the A2 course.

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