Wednesday 20 April 2011

Audience responses

These are pictures and video of our audience response. The feedback was very vital because we wanted to know how we can improve our film. It also allowed us to see what we were doing wrong.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Radio Trailer Script

Our group had to create a script for the radio trailer. The radio trailer will include background music and sound audio which are used in the film. We will also be using special effect such as explosions and gun shot to enhance our radio trailer and make it more appealing to our target audience.

Radio trailer script:
[heartbeat] Screaming children- at the same time a man is chanting and army song
Voice over:The time has come to teach them a lesson.
[ explosion]
oice over: one man must stand alone to face his fears.
[Music and gun shot begins]
Voice over: Will this be his last battle?
Starring Olu Sodeinde. Numero Uno presents, A One Man War.

Coming to cinema near you soon.

Rated PG
[music gets louder and then explosion]